For fast ranking, has always been the goal pursued by some webmasters, but when it comes to Baidu's fast ranking, we usually associate with it. In the actual SEO case operation, sometimes, we can also achieve the key word quick ranking through white hat SEO, regular channels. So, how to use white hat SEO, short-term fast ranking? Let's take a look at it.
We know that for any website, when we talk about ranking, we often discuss the weight of each other's website and keyword competitiveness.
According to the past work experience, we will discuss how to achieve fast ranking through the following two aspects.
1. New station has no weight
For the new station, if there is no weight, it is likely not included, you want to achieve fast ranking in a short time content, an effective channel is to configure bear's paw.
From the current point of view, it can basically collect good content at an hourly level, and will give a certain weight to good content, that is, ranking relative to the top.
However, this does not guarantee that your keyword ranking will be in the top 3, so you may need to:
① 确定内容页面,包含核心关键词与长尾关键词。
① Determine the content page, including the core keywords and long tail keywords.
② 大量在站外投稿,发布新闻源外链,行业协会外链。
② A large number of contributions outside the station, release news sources outside the chain, industry associations outside the chain.
③ 利用社交媒体创建与内容页面主题相关的活动,引导用户,在搜索点击内容页面的长尾词。
③ Using social media to create activities related to the theme of the content page, guide users to search and click the long tail words of the content page in Baidu.
The use of short-term social speech influence, as well as user behavior click, may promote the rapid ranking of new site content pages, the core of which is the effective implementation of social media activities.

2. Old station has weight
For the old site, the site with a certain weight, then its specific content page should have a certain weight. In view of this situation, how to achieve its fast ranking:
① Reasonably improve the target URL, in the home page weight column position, for example: put it in the core position of the website navigation plate, top in the column page.
② Using a number of high weight pages, increase the form of internal chain, improve the ranking of the target URL.
③ Put ads on relevant websites, conduct drainage, continuously generate user behavior clicks, and improve the probability of being shared.
④ If the ranking is very urgent, you can use the site high weight page, 301 redirection to this target page, increase the weight transfer, of course, you can also buy high PR old domain name, 301 redirection.
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