1. Classification of shops
The product category is accurate, which is helpful to show the sorting. The background can match and select the category information close to the actual commodity to add
2. The title is clear and reasonable
(1) 简要清晰地围绕主体内容撰写,和页面内容相关
(1) Write briefly and clearly around the main content, related to the content of the page
(2) The semantic meaning is smooth, no garbled special characters, no sentence truncation, keyword accumulation
(3) The title cannot contain marketing promotion information, such as: telephone number, full name of company
(4) The title cannot be repeated
示例:厂家批发_多功能接线插座_40 孔一体防爆防水插座
Example: factory wholesale_ Multifunctional wiring socket_ 40 hole integrated explosion proof waterproof socket
(suggestion of Title Collocation: product words_ Brand name_ Related product words_ Related modification)

3. Picture quality
1) The image has high definition, no watermark, and the main body is prominent. White background is used first
2) The length to width ratio is 1:1, the picture is 750 * 750px; JPG format
3) Pictures should not be vulgar, pornographic, reactionary and so on, and should not be pure text, pure color pictures or uncomfortable pictures
4) The main product map can't be repeated more than 2 times, which is not conducive to product collection and display
5)内页图片要求:宽不超过750,高不超过1500 详情内容需要图文并茂,不能是纯图片,如果涉电话号码等,不要在详情页中重复出现
5) Requirements for pictures on the inner page: the width shall not exceed 750 and the height shall not exceed 1500. The detailed contents shall be illustrated and illustrated, and shall not be pure pictures. If the telephone number is involved, it shall not be repeated in the detail page
4. Parameter richness
(1) The richer the attribute parameters, the better. Each product needs at least more than 5 parameter information
(2) The parameter items in the product can not be repeated contents, such as "detailed consultation with customer service" and so on
5. Reasonable price
(1)提交 Schema 中填写价格字段且合理(如机械类填写 1 元为不合理价格)、与落地页价格一致。
(1) The price field should be filled in the submitted schema and it should be reasonable (for example, if the price of machinery is 1 yuan, it is unreasonable), and it is consistent with the price on the landing page.
(2) Price cannot be a range, nor can it be a Chinese field word such as "face to face"
6. Complete enterprise information certification
The information of the enterprise is true and accurate, and the products can be sold
7. Clear and rich description
(1) Schema 中发货地填写真实准确(低质信息如:发货地-- ;发货地-- 你好)
(1) The delivery place in the schema is true and accurate (low quality information such as: shipping place China; shipping place Hello)
(2) Schema 可选字段填写率高
(2) Schema optional field filling rate is high
The more complete the commodity information is, the more favorable it is for the display and ranking of resources
Price information, shipping location, brand, category information,
Product label: keywords, etc.
其他商品参数如材质、规格、型号、产品等级填到 meta 字段中。
Other commodity parameters such as material, specification, model and product grade are filled in the meta field.
字段结构越完整, ranking 效果越好。
The more complete the field structure, the better the ranking effect.
(3) 落地页图文并茂、参数详尽、商品描述流畅通顺。
(3) The landing page is full of pictures and texts, with detailed parameters and smooth product description.
In the description, both pictures and texts of the goods are required, and there is a picture of the goods to describe the goods (the text description can be on the picture, and at the same time, the goods are not covered, resulting in poor quality pictures)