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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2020-11-26 13:11:30 浏览次数:

In order to improve the overall quality of the products of Baidu love purchasing platform, enhance the effect of the rights and interests of merchants, better help the merchants standardize the release behavior, and better help the merchants improve the product quality, baidu love purchasing platform specially formulated the commodity submission quality specification and the rectification plan of low-quality goods.
1. Basic functions of the page
① 商品落地页面可实现正常浏览、询盘、买卖沟通
① The landing page of commodities can realize normal browsing, inquiry and sales communication
② 页面组件(包括爱采购要求添加的组件以及平台本身功能组件)可正常使用
② The page components (including the components required by Baidu AIPO and the functional components of the platform itself) can be used normally
2、 落地页体验
2. Landing page experience
① 用户访问商品页面时,页面打开时间<3 秒,浏览顺畅信息无遮挡
① When the user visits the product page, the page opening time is less than 3 seconds, the browsing is smooth, and the information is not blocked
② 禁止添加造成用户误操作的内容(如广告、自动弹窗、pc、移动端页面放置(占比10%以上)悬浮广告、弹窗广告、遮屏式广告、App 下载等;pc 端广告在页面中间展示;)
② It is forbidden to add content that causes user's misoperation (such as advertisement, automatic pop-up window, PC, mobile page placement (accounting for more than 10%), suspended advertisement, pop-up advertisement, screen advertisement, APP download, etc.; PC advertisement is displayed in the middle of the page;)
3、 标题
3. Title
① 标题必须包含产品名称,其中可包含、型号等
① The title must contain the product name, which can include brand, model, etc
② 商品标题围绕商品主体撰写
② The title of commodity is written around the subject of commodity
③ 标题必须带有明确且单一的产品名称,严禁出现产品词堆砌,例如:同一条信息标题中严禁出现超过单个的或型号,不同、型号不同,即为不同单品
③ The title must have a clear and single product name, and it is forbidden to pile up product words. For example, it is strictly forbidden to have more than one brand or model in the same information title. Different brands and models are different products
④ 标题中严禁出现电话号码、E-mail、公司名称等任何联系
④ Any contact such as telephone number, e-mail, company name, etc. is strictly prohibited in the title
⑤ 标题中的产品名称必须与详细说明及图片中的产品保持一致
⑤ The product name in the title must be consistent with the detailed description and the product in the picture
4 、价格
4. Price
① 必须标明商品价格
① The price of the goods must be indicated
② 商品价格合理(如机械类填写 1 元为不合理价格)
② The commodity price is reasonable (if the price of machinery is 1 yuan, it is unreasonable)
③ 提交的 XML 中的“价格”字段与落地页价格一致
③ The "price" field in the submitted XML is consistent with the landing page price