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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2021-02-24 14:02:55 浏览次数:

搜索商品买家在爱采购 上的商品状态搜索框内输入关键字,点击搜索按钮即可,商品结果以列表形式在搜索框下方展示在搜索结果上方的筛选区,买家可通过点击不同的筛选条件(、材料、分类等)对商品进行进一步的筛选搜索厂家买家在爱采购 上的厂家状态搜索框内输入关键字,点击搜索按钮即可。
Search for commodity buyers, input keywords in the commodity status search box of Baidu love purchasing, and click the search button. The commodity results are displayed in the screening area above the search results in the form of a list below the search box. The buyers can further screen the commodities by clicking different screening criteria (brand, material, classification, etc.) to search for the manufacturer buyers purchasing in Baidu love Enter keywords in the factory status search box on the, and click the search button.
厂家结果以列表形式在搜索框下方展示在搜索结果的上方,可以通过点击选择不同依据的排序(综合,热门);通过所在地区对结果进行二次检索询价全网询价买家如果想了解采购品的价格信息可通过点击“全网询价”按钮进行全网询价,爱采购 会将买家的询价信息发给全网的匹配卖家。下面提供了“全网询价”按钮的3个展现位置
The results of manufacturers are displayed below the search box in the form of a list above the search results, which can be sorted according to different criteria (comprehensive and popular) by clicking. The results can be re searched through the region and inquired through the whole network. If the buyer wants to know the price information of the purchased goods, he can inquire through the whole network by clicking the "whole network inquiry" button, baidu love purchasing The buyer's inquiry information will be sent to the matching sellers of the whole network. The following three display positions of the "whole network inquiry" button are provided
1) The whole network inquiry button at the top of the page
2) If there is no result after the search, click the immediate inquiry button in the result section
3) In the right sidebar of the page, click the publish inquiry button, and then click the "whole network inquiry" button to enter the inquiry sheet filling page. After filling in the information, the inquiry sheet can be submitted. The items marked with red "*" in the page are required.
If the buyer wants to inquire about the price information of a specific commodity, he can make an inquiry by clicking the "immediate inquiry" button on the commodity details page. Baidu AIPO will send the buyer's inquiry information to the seller who provides the commodity.