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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2021-05-28 14:05:47 浏览次数:

With the popularity and development of the Internet, the cost of network traffic is increasing, and the cost of obtaining traffic is getting higher and higher. Therefore, there are new ways to play in the traffic dispute, and build the enterprise's own traffic pool. In the field of search engine, Baidu has always been the leader in the industry, holding a lot of traffic in hand. For a long time, competitive advertising has also made huge profits for many business owners. At present, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce and the cost of getting customers is getting higher and higher. How to stand out in the market competition? Every enterprise should think about it. Baidu, with a market share of 80%, launched the vertical B2B search engine Baidu AIPO in January 2019 and chose to enter B2B vertical search.
Alibaba was the first company in the B2B field. As a result, Alibaba started. It has a large number of businesses' traffic in the vertical segmentation field for a long time. The reason for Baidu's launch of AIPO this time must be clear. Backed by the powerful drainage function of the search engine, love purchase has gained a lot of traffic in a short time. Whether it is the gold occupying position on Baidu's home page or the "purchase" column in Baidu's navigation bar, it has highlighted Baidu's inner ambition.
那么爱采购如何入驻呢?爱采购的原理其实就是B2B商业数据的聚合,入驻爱采购都是收费的。目前收费方式有两种,一为包年模式,二为阿 拉 丁CPC模式。跟B2B合作的收费,2019年从6月份开始统一调整价位为6980元。如果通过阿 拉 丁,则需要先开通推广,推广的开户费目前低是6000元,然后后台联 系客服申请行业白名单,开通阿 拉丁,然后自己再上传物料,按照竞价的模式,点击收费。无论通过哪种方式,我觉得都值得大家去思考,要不要去做。做哪一种。个人更加倾向于包年服务,这个性价比更高。这就是关于爱采购的方式和费用给大家了解的。
So how to settle in AIPO? In fact, the principle of Baidu love purchasing is the aggregation of B2B business data. Entering Baidu love purchasing is charged. At present, there are two ways of charging, one is the annual package mode, the other is Baidu Aladdin CPC mode. The price of cooperation with B2B will be adjusted to 6980 yuan from June in 2019. If you go through Baidu Aladdin, you need to open Baidu promotion first. At present, the account opening fee of Baidu promotion is 6000 yuan. Then, the backstage contact customer service to apply for the industry white list, open Aladdin, upload materials by yourself, and click to charge according to the bidding mode. No matter which way, I think it is worth thinking about whether to do it or not. Which one to do. Individuals are more inclined to provide annual service, which is more cost-effective. This is about the way and cost of Baidu love purchasing.