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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2021-06-16 13:06:37 浏览次数:

从爱采购的定义不难看出,这种推广模式主要受益于两大群体,一个是企业,另一个就是采购用户。那么对于这两大群体,爱采购分别体现出什么样的价值呢?对于企业来说,爱采购能够精 准匹配用户群体,并且这种细分垂直类的定制体验,可以帮助企业实现精 准的受众导流。
It is not difficult to see from the definition of Baidu love purchasing that this promotion mode mainly benefits from two groups, one is enterprises, the other is purchasing users. So for these two groups, what kind of value does Baidu love purchasing reflect? First of all, for enterprises, baidu AIPO can accurately match the user groups, and this kind of customized experience of vertical segmentation can help enterprises achieve accurate audience diversion.
内容的服务前置可以让用户短时间内清晰、高 能的获取企业相关信息,提升用户体验与流量转化率;对于采购用户来说,官方平台可信度更高,交易安 全有保障,此外买卖双方的信息直达更加 快捷、简便,更好更快的促成 交易,清晰明了的信息呈现,内容与服务的汇聚和梳理更加简易方便,用户体验更佳!
The service front of brand content can make users obtain enterprise related information clearly and energetically in a short time, and improve user experience and traffic conversion rate; For purchasing users, Baidu's official platform has higher credibility and guaranteed transaction security. In addition, the direct information between buyers and sellers is faster and easier to facilitate transactions, with clear information presentation, easier and more convenient gathering and carding of content and services, and better user experience!
作为一种一改常态的推广模式,爱采购与传统的网络推广模式存在很大的区别,可以说是简单粗暴地让交易双方以 方式产生联系,因此它的优势也不言而喻了。在投放渠道上,一站式平台投放与管理,满足企业对数据监控和效果追踪的需求,并且统一化信息展现,高能简单;在展现形式上,24小时展现,并且具备稳定靠前的排名。
As a normal promotion mode, there is a big difference between Baidu love purchase and the traditional network promotion mode. It can be said that it simply and rudely makes the two sides of the transaction contact in a way, so its advantages are self-evident. In the delivery channel, the one-stop platform delivery and management can meet the needs of enterprises for data monitoring and effect tracking, and the unified information display is high-energy and simple; In the form of presentation, 24-hour presentation, and has a stable top ranking.
以采购推广方式接入的客户,在满足体验相关性的条件下,在搜索结果页位置拥有优先展现权;在投放效果上,企业在商品中 心完成数据对接后,业务端实现高能投放,智能化解决客户,流量充分触达、商品充分竞价、管理简单高能的诉求。
Customers who are connected by purchasing promotion have the priority to display in the search results page under the condition of meeting the experience relevance; In terms of delivery effect, after the completion of data docking in Baidu Commodity Center, the business end realizes high-energy delivery, intelligently solves the demands of customers, full access of traffic, full bidding of goods, and simple and high-energy management.