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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2021-08-30 14:08:45 浏览次数:

爱采购跟竞价都属于旗下的业务,但是两个推广还是有本质上区别。爱采购是2019年新推出的产品,通过搜索引擎首页展示、用户询价智能匹配商家等方式,帮助企业促销商品。相比竞价,它点击不收费、降低了推广的成本,并且展示信息更加全 面。接下来小编跟大家具体的聊聊!
First of all, love purchasing and bidding belong to Baidu's business, but the two promotion are essentially different. Baidu love purchasing is a new product launched by Baidu in 2019. It helps enterprises promote products by means of Baidu search engine home page display, user inquiry, intelligent matching merchants, etc. Compared with Baidu bidding, it does not charge for clicking, reduces the cost of promotion, and displays more comprehensive information. Next, Xiaobian will have a specific chat with you!
The two promotion methods are different
竞价属于被动搜索,根据关键词提供广 告位的排名,按照点击扣费展现不收费的模式。展现的是客户的网站、商城等基础应用。
Baidu bidding belongs to passive search. It provides the ranking of Baidu advertising space according to keywords and shows the free mode according to the click fee deduction. It shows the customer's website, mall and other basic applications.
而爱采购是属于旗下的B2B电商平台,属于阿里巴巴的性质。提供给企业商 铺展现位及产品的发布。可以全 网询价并进行交易。
Love purchasing belongs to Baidu's B2B e-commerce platform and belongs to the nature of Alibaba. Provide display space for enterprise shops and product release. You can make inquiries and transactions throughout the network.
Applicable industries are different
推广适用于各行各业教育医 疗美容,服务性行业等等,而爱采购主要是针对产品买卖行业。
Baidu promotion is applicable to all walks of life, education, medical beauty, service industries, etc., and Baidu love procurement is mainly aimed at the product trading industry.
The intensity of competition is different
Baidu's promotion method has existed for more than ten years, and the competition in all walks of life is very fierce. Moreover, there are several display positions on Baidu's home page, and the traffic of bidding promotion has been a bottleneck period. Therefore, Baidu company has launched a new promotion method of Baidu love procurement. At present, there are fewer industries participating in the competition, so the competition is small and the effect is good. Many customers have done Baidu promotion before, but because the competition is becoming more and more fierce and the input-output is not proportional, they have begun to do Baidu love procurement.