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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2023-06-30 17:06:02 浏览次数:

The rules for publishing Love Procurement products are actually displayed on the inner page, where you can see the product optimization suggestions on the right. Based on the information you have edited, you will be prompted for areas that need to be optimized. Be sure to modify them according to the optimization rules. Here, Jinan Baidu Ai Procurement Company will explain a few points:
(1) Product title: There is a word limit, and under the new rules of Love Procurement, the core keywords included in the title must be a good one, while others are long tail words created around the core words;
(2) Product attributes: When editing product attributes here, the completeness of product attributes will be displayed at a corresponding level. Both users and platforms hope that the more detailed the attributes, the better. Therefore, it is necessary to edit the attributes to a higher level;
(3) Product Details: Previously, everyone used to use text or text with images on the product details page. Under the new rules of Love Purchasing, all required images. Therefore, the detailed content of the product is divided into two levels:
One is the product level, which means that the detailed introduction and parameters of the product need to be displayed in pictures; One is the non commodity level, which is a multi-dimensional display of the company's introduction, after-sales service, and the company's soft and hard strength.
(4) Product level: There are also levels for the release of Love Procurement products, as high as 5 stars. The 5 stars of the product also serve as the basis for the operation of Love Procurement stores. The higher the product level, the more ranking and exposure the platform will give you; As long as we follow the optimization rules of the platform and publish products properly, there will be a 5-star rating.
As a beginner, when operating Love Procurement in the early stages, it is important to pay attention to these and avoid taking fewer detours. Of course, the specific operation of each capability requires detailed planning. We hope it will be helpful to you and you can contact us https://www.jnacg.com Learn more!