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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2023-09-03 20:09:11 浏览次数:

In the operation of Love Procurement, titles are an important way to search. The production of titles should not only meet the requirements of the channel for titles, but also prevent constraints from various algorithms. More importantly, we can use the title to make our customers more familiar with our products and then select our products.
The title of Love Procurement can include the following parts: region, brand, type, keywords, and selling points.
Love purchasing titles, the total number of characters cannot exceed 33 words, usually around 20 words is enough for titles.
2. Some points to pay attention to when it comes to purchasing titles:
1) The title cannot present region stacking. For example, you want to express that my product can be sold in various regions, so you wrote "Zhejiang Marking Machine, Shanghai Marking Machine, Wuhan Marking Machine, Hebei Marking Machine"
In this title, there are two types of stacking, one is regional stacking, namely Zhejiang, Shanghai, Wuhan, and Hebei. These four regional terms are repeatedly presented, forming regional ambiguity and then forming stacking.
Another type of stacking is keyword stacking, where four marking machines are presented, repeatedly presenting the same keywords, which not only has no advantage in searching, but also has the suspicion of tedious and wasteful characters.
The correct way of writing should be to present only one region and one keyword. If you want to express that I can sell in different regions and can use different keywords in multiple product information.
2) The company title cannot be presented in the title. For example, Ningbo XX Equipment Co., Ltd. The full name of this company is not allowed to be displayed in the title of Love Procurement Operations, but the company's brand name, or perhaps the company abbreviation, can be included.
For example, collecting the whole country. This is the abbreviation of the company, perhaps directly writing the brand name is possible.
3) In the operation of Love Procurement, it is important to encourage the presentation of types in the title, but it is also important to be careful not to pile up product types.
If you have multiple types of a product, it is recommended to separate multiple products and provide different product introductions.
4) Keywords must pay special attention to the local area. In addition to repeatedly presenting the same keyword mentioned above, do not present different product titles for a single product.
If two or more different product titles are presented in a title, it will cause search engines to miss the opportunity for ranking increase due to unclear keywords when crawling.
5) You must be clearer than me about the selling points of the product, such as wear resistance, softness, and stretchability.
This description of the selling points of a product can help customers better understand your product and make it easier for them to make choices.
6) It is also important to note in the title that contact information such as phone number, mobile phone, WeChat, QQ, etc. must not be included. This is important in both channels and search engines.