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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2024-03-14 10:03:19 浏览次数:


Optimize product titles


The product title should be innovative and stand from the customer's perspective, discussing what kind of product can better attract customers.


The title can include: product brand, product title, type, parameters, features, etc., separated by spaces. Set 2-4 keywords for the title, not too many, not more than 30 words.


Do not include any invalid words such as "how much", "how", "what", phone number, email, company name, etc. in the title.



Where to find and define the keywords or titles of the product. Here we recommend that you define your products more broadly, as Baidu Love Purchasing itself is not a pay per click service. You can upload at least 6000 products, covering 18000 keywords and tags. So we will expand the scope and perform more maintenance to match keywords.


Consistent professional parameters


No matter how the parameter order is adjusted, as long as the important attributes of products under different SKU products are consistent, it complies with this judgment rule.


It should be noted that different colors are considered different products, such as gold phones and black phones, which will not be judged as duplicate resources.


Product images


The main image of the product has high clarity, no watermarks, and the main body is prominent. A white background is preferred. 1:1 aspect ratio, images larger than 750 * 750px; Publish 5 or more product images without duplicate images; Images should not involve vulgar, pornographic, reactionary, etc. They should not be pure text, pure color images, or uncomfortable images.


This article is provided by Jinan Baidu Love Procurement for account opening assistance. For more related content, please click http://www.jnacg.com I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!