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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2024-07-11 15:07:57 浏览次数:

精准匹配需求通过百度爱采购,企业可以精准地匹配到目标客户的需求,减少营销资源的浪费。 平台的智能算法会根据用户的搜索习惯和偏好,将你的产品推荐给最可能感兴趣的买家。

By using Baidu AiGou for precise matching of demand, enterprises can accurately match the needs of target customers and reduce the waste of marketing resources. The intelligent algorithm of the platform will recommend your product to the most likely interested buyers based on the user's search habits and preferences.

成本效益高与传统的广告投放相比,百度爱采购的成本效益更高。 你只需要支付少量的费用,就可以享受到持续的产品展示和广告效应,这对于中小企业来说是一个不可多得的机会。


Compared with traditional advertising placement, Baidu AiGou has higher cost-effectiveness. You only need to pay a small fee to enjoy continuous product display and advertising effects, which is a rare opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises.

交易便捷安全百度爱采购平台提供了一套完善的交易系统,从询盘到成交,每一步都有保障。 这大大降低了交易的风险,让买卖双方都能够放心地进行商业活动。

The Baidu Love Procurement platform provides a comprehensive trading system that guarantees every step from inquiry to transaction. This greatly reduces the risk of transactions, allowing both buyers and sellers to conduct business activities with peace of mind.

社交互动与反馈最后但同样重要的是,百度爱采购还具备社交互动的功能。 用户可以通过评论、分享等方式参与到产品的讨论中来,这不仅增加了用户粘性,还为企业收集到了宝贵的用户反馈。

Last but not least, Baidu AiGou also has the function of social interaction and feedback. Users can participate in product discussions through comments, sharing, and other means, which not only increases user stickiness but also collects valuable user feedback for the enterprise.