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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2024-12-12 20:12:54 浏览次数:

想要增加展示页的浏览量,相当于提高曝光量那么要做的就有两件事,、提高店铺质量、提高商品星级主要的提高方式:及时响应询盘及时响应IM消息开通在线交易,并产生线上交易订单根据低质商品清单,有针对性的优化低星的SKU,提升3星及以上商品占比 参考商品发布规范和标准,将SKU优化为高星商品,提升4星及以上商品占比 为主推商品添加主图视频(不包含重复视频)完成真实性认证、深度认证(仅针对实力供应商)开通在线交易,并设置在线交易商品参与专业问答开通视频营销,并成功发布视频降低店铺的商品重复率,避免出现恶劣重复和重度重复 商品标题    按照“品牌词”(若有)+“属性词”+“商品词”+“规格/型号”进行组合。注:填写品牌词,需要确保不会侵犯他人权利。


To increase the browsing volume of the display page, which is equivalent to increasing exposure, there are two things to do: improve the quality of the store and increase the star rating of the products. The main ways to improve are to respond to inquiries in a timely manner, respond to IM messages, open online transactions, and generate online transaction orders. Based on the list of low-quality products, optimize low star SKUs in a targeted manner, increase the proportion of 3-star and above products, refer to product publishing norms and standards, optimize SKUs to high star products, increase the proportion of 4-star and above products as the main promoted products, add main images and videos (excluding duplicate videos), complete authenticity authentication and deep authentication (only for strong suppliers), open online transactions, and set up online trading products to participate in professional Q&A and open video marketing. Successfully publish videos to reduce the store's product inventory. Repetition rate, Avoid the occurrence of malicious and heavily repetitive product titles by combining "brand word" (if any)+"attribute word"+"product word"+"specification/model". Note: When filling in brand keywords, it is necessary to ensure that they do not infringe on the rights of others.

商品主图主图清晰,且为商品实物图,无浏览干扰。  建议提供一张纯白色背景的商品图 商品参数参数真实有效,且参数项与参数值相匹配  填写5个及以上参数项,建议填写10-15个 商品主图视频    视频清晰,能够正常播放,长宽比1:1  时长建议为20-30秒,以商品内容为主 商品详情    图文并茂,并提供5张及以上商品图。

The main image of the product is clear and is a physical image of the product, without any browsing interference. It is recommended to provide a product image with a pure white background, and fill in 5 or more parameter items that match the parameter values. It is recommended to fill in 10-15 main product images. The video should be clear and able to play normally, with a length to width ratio of 1:1 and a recommended duration of 20-30 seconds. The product content should be the main focus, and the product details should be accompanied by images. Additionally, provide 5 or more product images.


Describing a product in a structured form from three or more dimensions, such as detailed images, parameter content, function introduction, usage scenarios, and operation methods, generally speaking, the quality of the product determines its ranking. The more the product meets the requirements for listing on Baidu, the higher its ranking will be. This is a ranking method that improves through natural optimization. However, if it is necessary to fix the ranking at the top, it is recommended to use Zhaoshang.com's easy to sell cars


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