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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2020-06-22 11:06:28 浏览次数:

Baidu love purchase is Baidu's B2B vertical search engine, which aims to help users directly access the whole network commodity information and reach a large number of high-quality businesses.
Businesses can seamlessly connect with Baidu search through Baidu love procurement to meet users' demand for procurement information retrieval, and at the same time find accurate buyers for enterprises settled in.
Functional services
2.1 search
The buyer can input keywords in the product status search box of Baidu love purchase, click the search button, and the product results will be displayed in the form of a list under the search box
In the filter area above the search results, the buyer can click different filter conditions (brand, material, classification, etc.) to further filter the goods
The buyer can input keywords in the manufacturer status search box of Baidu love purchase, click the search button, and the manufacturer results will be displayed in the form of a list below the search box
At the top of the search results, you can click to select the sorting by different criteria (comprehensive, popular); search the results again by your region
2.2 inquiry
If the buyer wants to know the price information of the purchased goods, he can make an inquiry on the whole network by clicking the "Inquiry on the whole network" button. Baidu love purchasing will send the inquiry information of the buyer to the matching seller on the whole network.
The following three display positions of the "network wide inquiry" button are provided
1) Inquiry button at the top of the page
2) There is no result after searching. Click the "inquire now" button in the result section
3)页面右侧边栏,点击发布询价按钮        点击“全网询价”按钮后进入询价单填写页面,将信息填写完成后即可提交询价单,页面中标注红色“*”的项为必填项
3) On the right side of the page, click the publish inquiry button and click the "inquiry throughout the network" button to enter the inquiry form filling page. After filling in the information, the inquiry form can be submitted. The items marked with red "*" in the page are required
Specified merchant inquiry
If the buyer wants to inquire about the price information of a specific product, he / she can click the "inquire now" button on the product details page to make an inquiry for the designated merchant. Baidu love purchasing will send the buyer's inquiry information to the seller who provides the product.
Click "inquire now" to enter the inquiry form filling page, and the check option is provided at the bottom of the page. Users can choose to send their inquiry form information to more merchants.
The buyer can click the "my inquiry" button in the personal center at the upper right corner to view all his inquiry forms. Click to display a list of all inquiry forms of the buyer
Product service
High quality resources of the whole network
Access to the whole network of high-quality sites, high-quality online businesses and commodities throughout all industries, covering all major categories.
Fast and accurate search
One stop direct access to the whole network of businesses and products, saving the time of searching and comparing multiple sites
Rely on the most powerful search technology, search products and make personalized recommendation based on the buyer's search terms
Multiple inquiry methods
It supports general network wide price inquiry and specified price inquiry for target goods. The network wide price inquiry can inquire 10 goods at the same time