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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2020-06-23 11:06:18 浏览次数:

Baidu love purchase is a new year's promotion product of Baidu, which is a hot product promoted by Baidu. However, many people don't know how to release information to the front position. The following editor will answer how to release information quickly and stably.
1. The general release rule in the title is manufacturer's brand + product subject + modifier. The general product subject should not be too many, just 1-3,
And after excluding non key fields (including region, how about the website, which one is good, price, wholesale, manufacturer, high-end, etc.), the proportion of invalid duplicate commodity information is less than 50%. Such title information is the default high-quality information title of Baidu.
2. The same product parameters or application scenarios in the title are completely consistent, and the repetition times are 3 or more. This kind of information will not be grabbed by Baidu love purchase. Pay attention to that the parameters can be more than 1-2 times. The parameter value must not have related parameters unrelated to the product.
3. The middle page title is consistent with the landing page title
4. High quality product pictures. Keep the image consistent with the product. The watermark cannot cover the product. The image cannot be blurred, too dark, and the customer cannot recognize the image content. Upload at least 5 product pictures. It is not allowed to upload repeatedly (there are only a few watermarks and background differences in the picture, and this type is deemed as product duplication).
5. There shall be no false price, for example, the price of products in the machinery industry cannot be 1 yuan, which does not meet the product value.
6. If the following problems do not exist in the product details page, the rectification shall be completed according to the rectification opinions, and the problems are as follows:
1  商品描述内容中出现大篇幅的乱码
1. There is a large amount of confusion in the description of goods
2 商品描述中无文字且无图片
2. There is no text and picture in the product description
3  商品描述中主要介绍公司信息,无商品介绍
3. The company information is mainly introduced in the product description, but there is no product introduction
4   文本描述内容中重复“手机/电话号码“
4 repeat "mobile / phone number" in the text description“
5. The description of the product is plain text, and the same contact information ≥ 3 times
6  商品描述为图文,同一联系方式≥3次
6. The description of the goods is graphic and the same contact method ≥ 3 times
7  商品描述中图片不符合要求,存在商品图片未展现或图片重复的情况(具体规则参考图片水印要求)
7. The pictures in the description of the goods do not meet the requirements, and there are cases where the pictures of the goods are not shown or the pictures are repeated (refer to the watermark requirements of the pictures for the specific rules)
8  商品描述中商品信息全部与该商品无关
8. The product information in the product description has nothing to do with the product
9  商品描述中信息截断或大面积空白
9 information truncation or large area blank in product description
The above are some problems in Baidu love's purchase and release information. If you have any problems, please contact me in time