来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2022-02-12 14:02:00 浏览次数:次
In case of any of the above circumstances, the buyer of Baidu love purchase promises to voluntarily accept love purchase or the merchant will carry out any one or more of the following operations on baidu account. If it causes losses to love purchase or the merchant, it will be liable for compensation:
(1) 强制风险验证爱采购(如使用需进行人脸识别等进行验证);
(1) Compulsory risk verification Baidu love purchase (for example, face recognition is required for verification);
(2) 限制注册、登录、领券、下单等行为;
(2) Restrict registration, login, voucher collection, order placement, etc;

(3) 禁止使用、收回由爱采购或商家免费发放、提供的实物或虚拟资产、权益等;
(3) Prohibit the use and recovery of physical or virtual assets, rights and interests, etc. freely distributed and provided by AI purchasing or merchants;
(4) 删除或屏蔽违规文字、图片或信息;
(4) Delete or block illegal words, pictures or information;
(5) 暂停或终止提供服务;
(5) Suspend or terminate the provision of services;
(6) 暂时冻结违规账号,限制登录或线上交易;
(6) Temporarily freeze illegal Baidu accounts and restrict login or online transactions;
(7) 其他爱采购或商家认为有必要的管控措施。
(7) Other control measures deemed necessary by Baidu love purchasing or businesses.
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