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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2022-05-16 16:05:00 浏览次数:

Baidu love purchasing
What are the advantages and functions of Baidu love purchasing?
1. 专属服务企业文化名片:在搜索分析结果中,强样式特型卡片展示,为商家打造一个、提升产品知名度。
1. Exclusive service corporate culture business card: in Baidu search analysis results, strong style special cards are displayed to create a brand for merchants and improve product popularity.
2. 多场景触发器开发: 产品搜索、模型搜索、厂商搜索、市场搜索等场景触发器开发、扩大流量。
2. Multi scenario trigger development: product search, model search, manufacturer search, market search and other scenario trigger development to expand traffic.
3. 商品进行收录端同步发展展现:在PC、移动互联网网页、APP多端展现商品经济信息,方便买家搜索触达。
3. Display the synchronous development of goods at the collection end: display China's commodity economic information at multiple ends of PC, mobile Internet web page and Baidu app to facilitate buyers' search and access.
4. Keyword ranking: Baidu aigou has 6666 keyword rankings
5. 公司权限:官方认证,增强买方信任。
5. Company authority: official certification to enhance the buyer's trust.
6. 高质量商品进行推荐:商家热卖商品信息展示自己获得更多曝光。
6. Recommendation of high-quality goods: Merchants display their hot commodity information to get more exposure.
7.查询线索分发: 通过各种查询方式分发购买意向信息,帮助卖家和商家进行交易。
7. Query clue distribution: distribute purchase intention information through various query methods to help sellers and merchants conduct transactions.
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