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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2024-06-06 20:06:29 浏览次数:


1. Improve product information, including product titles, prices, parameters, images, videos, etc. The more detailed the product, the more it can attract consumer attention and increase transaction rates


Providing high-quality services, such as timely response to customer inquiries and inquiries, quick answering of phone calls, timely delivery, after-sales service, etc., is the only way to satisfy customers



3. Regularly updating the store's products, continuously launching new products, and updating existing products can attract more consumer attention. 4. Actively participating in official Love Procurement activities, according to personal needs, to increase exposure and increase sales opportunities


Top of the Five Electric Stores, achieving a five-star store through shua order and improving the overall ranking of the store


In short, improving sales effectiveness in Love Procurement requires merchants to make certain efforts. Only by continuously improving one's product information, providing high-quality services, regularly updating products, participating in marketing activities, and optimizing rankings through brushing orders